For us, exchange of students and young academics is the backbone of our cooperation! In the past years of cooperation, there has been a constant exchange between the partners, with both Master and PhD students spending research periods in Australia and Germany. A selection of now well-positioned exchange students can be found in our alumni section.
Exchange program
The exchange program is aimed at Master’s and PhD students at the University of New South Wales and TU Braunschweig. It offers them the chance of a 6-month stay to write a thesis or conduct research on site. The thematic focus of the exchange is based on the current topics of the cooperation (see competencies and projects).
Current topics announced for master theses at UNSW or TU Braunschweig can be found including time periods and application modalities under Student Theses.
Generally interested students of the University of New South Wales and TU Braunschweig please contact for further information or unsolicited applications: info@sustainable-manufacturing.com