Joint Book Series

Further information on the book series “Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management” can be found here.
Joint Publications

Dér, A., Dilger, N., Kaluza, A., Creighton, C., Kara, S., Varley, R., Herrmann, C., & Thiede, S. (2021). Modelling and analysis of the energy intensity in polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor and carbon fibre manufacturing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 303, 127105. Cite
Herrmann, C., Juraschek, M., Burggräf, P., & Kara, S. (2020). Urban production: State of the art and future trends for urban factories. CIRP Annals, 69(2), 764–787. Cite
Juraschek, M., Becker, M., Thiede, S., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2019). Life Cycle Assessment for the comparison of urban and non-urban produced products. Procedia CIRP, 80, 405–410. Cite
Herrmann, C., Juraschek, M., Kara, S., & Thiede, S. (2019). Urban Factories: Identifying Products for Production in Cities. In A. H. Hu, M. Matsumoto, T. C. Kuo, & S. Smith (Eds.), Technologies and Eco-innovation towards Sustainability I (pp. 185–198). Springer Singapore. Cite
Laurent, A., Molin, C., Owsianiak, M., Fantke, P., Dewulf, W., Herrmann, C., Kara, S., & Hauschild, M. (2019). The role of life cycle engineering (LCE) in meeting the sustainable development goals – report from a consultation of LCE experts. Journal of Cleaner Production, 230, 378–382. Cite
Thiede, S., Turetskyy, A., Kwade, A., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2019). Data mining in battery production chains towards multi-criterial quality prediction. CIRP Annals, 68(1), 463–466. Cite
Abdoli, S., Juraschek, M., Thiede, S., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2019). An Investigation into Holistic Planning of Urban Factories. Procedia CIRP, 80, 649–654. Cite
Juraschek, M., Becht, E. J., Büth, L., Thiede, S., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2018). Life Cycle Oriented Industrial Value Creation in Cities. Procedia CIRP, 69, 94–99. Cite
Kara, S., Hauschild, M. Z., & Herrmann, C. (2018). Target-driven Life Cycle Engineering: Staying within the Planetary Boundaries. Procedia CIRP, 69, 3–10. Cite
Herrmann, C., Dewulf, W., Hauschild, M., Kaluza, A., Kara, S., & Skerlos, S. (2018). Life cycle engineering of lightweight structures. CIRP Annals, 67(2), 651–672. Cite
Dér, A., Kaluza, A., Kurle, D., Herrmann, C., Kara, S., & Varley, R. (2018). Life Cycle Engineering of Carbon Fibres for Lightweight Structures. Procedia CIRP, 69, 43–48. Cite
Li, W., Thiede, S., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2017). A Generic Sankey Tool for Evaluating Energy Value Stream in Manufacturing Systems. Procedia CIRP, 61, 475–480. Cite
Hauschild, M. Z., Herrmann, C., & Kara, S. (2017). An Integrated Framework for Life Cycle Engineering. Procedia CIRP, 61, 2–9. Cite
Mousavi, S., Thiede, S., Li, W., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2016). An integrated approach for improving energy efficiency of manufacturing process chains. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 9(1), 11–24. Cite
Schmidt, C., Li, W., Thiede, S., Kornfeld, B., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2016). Implementing Key Performance Indicators for Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing. Procedia CIRP, 57, 758–763. Cite
Alvandi, S., Li, W., Schönemann, M., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2016). Economic and environmental value stream map (E 2$ VSM) simulation for multi-product manufacturing systems. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 9(6), 354–362. Cite
Thiede, S., Li, W., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2016). Integrated Analysis of Energy, Material and Time Flows in Manufacturing Systems. Procedia CIRP, 48, 200–205. Cite
Li, W., Alvandi, S., Kara, S., Thiede, S., & Herrmann, C. (2016). Sustainability Cockpit: An integrated tool for continuous assessment and improvement of sustainability in manufacturing. CIRP Annals, 65(1), 5–8. Cite
Dettmer, T., Ibbotson, S., Öhlschläger, G., Herrmann, C., & Kara, S. (2015). Technical applications of Jatropha oil—environmental effectiveness of renewable resources. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20(10), 1376–1386. Cite
Egede, P., Dettmer, T., Herrmann, C., & Kara, S. (2015). Life Cycle Assessment of Electric Vehicles – A Framework to Consider Influencing Factors. Procedia CIRP, 29, 233–238. Cite
Cerdas, F., Kurle, D., Andrew, S., Thiede, S., Herrmann, C., Zhiquan, Y., Jonathan, L. S. C., Bin, S., & Kara, S. (2015). Defining Circulation Factories – A Pathway towards Factories of the Future. Procedia CIRP, 29, 627–632. Cite
Winter, M., Ibbotson, S., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2015). Life cycle assessment of cubic boron nitride grinding wheels. Journal of Cleaner Production, 107, 707–721. Cite
Schmidt, C., Li, W., Thiede, S., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2015). A methodology for customized prediction of energy consumption in manufacturing industries. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2(2), 163–172. Cite
Posselt, G., Fischer, J., Heinemann, T., Thiede, S., Alvandi, S., Weinert, N., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2014). Extending Energy Value Stream Models by the TBS Dimension – Applied on a Multi Product Process Chain in the Railway Industry. Procedia CIRP, 15, 80–85. Cite
Winter, M., Li, W., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2014). Stepwise approach to reduce the costs and environmental impacts of grinding processes. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 71(5–8), 919–931. Cite
Winter, M., Li, W., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2014). Determining optimal process parameters to increase the eco-efficiency of grinding processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 66, 644–654. Cite
Ghadimi, P., Li, W., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2014). Integrated Material and Energy Flow Analysis towards Energy Efficient Manufacturing. Procedia CIRP, 15, 117–122. Cite
Ibbotson, S., Kara, S., Herrmann, C., & Thiede, S. (2013). Impact of Process Selection on Material and Energy Flow. In A. Y. C. Nee, B. Song, & S.-K. Ong (Eds.), Re-engineering Manufacturing for Sustainability (pp. 159–163). Springer. Cite
Ibbotson, S., Dettmer, T., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2013). Eco-efficiency of disposable and reusable surgical instruments—a scissors case. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18(5), 1137–1148. Cite
Toward integrated product and process life cycle planning—An environmental perspective. (2012). CIRP Annals, 61(2), 681–702. Cite
Eco-efficiency of manufacturing processes: A grinding case. (2012). CIRP Annals, 61(1), 59–62. Cite
Mennenga, M., Thiede, S., Beier, J., Dettmer, T., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2012). A Forecasting Model for the Evaluation of Future Resource Availability. In D. A. Dornfeld & B. S. Linke (Eds.), Leveraging Technology for a Sustainable World (pp. 449–454). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Cite
Winter, M., Öhlschläger, G., Dettmer, T., Ibbotson, S., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2012). Using Jatropha Oil Based Metalworking Fluids in Machining Processes: A Functional and Ecological Life Cycle Evaluation. In D. A. Dornfeld & B. S. Linke (Eds.), Leveraging Technology for a Sustainable World (pp. 311–316). Springer. Cite
Towards energy and resource efficient manufacturing: A processes and systems approach. (2012). CIRP Annals, 61(2), 587–609. Cite
Thiede, S., Spiering, T., Kohlitz, S., Herrmann, C., & Kara, S. (2012). Dynamic Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculation of Injection Moulding Machines. In D. A. Dornfeld & B. S. Linke (Eds.), Leveraging Technology for a Sustainable World (pp. 275–280). Springer. Cite
Krause, M., Thiede, S., Herrmann, C., & Butz, F. F. (2012). A Material and Energy Flow Oriented Method for Enhancing Energy and Resource Efficiency in Aluminium Foundries. In D. A. Dornfeld & B. S. Linke (Eds.), Leveraging Technology for a Sustainable World (pp. 281–286). Springer. Cite
Qureshi, F., Li, W., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2012). Unit Process Energy Consumption Models for Material Addition Processes: A Case of the Injection Molding Process. In D. A. Dornfeld & B. S. Linke (Eds.), Leveraging Technology for a Sustainable World (pp. 269–274). Springer. Cite
Herrmann, C., Kara, S., & Thiede, S. (2011). Dynamic life cycle costing based on lifetime prediction. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 4(3), 224–235. Cite
Schulz, J., Pschorn, J., Kara, S., Herrmann, C., Ibbotson, S., Dettmer, T., & Luger, T. (2011). Environmental Footprint of Single-Use Surgical Instruments in Comparison with Multi-Use Surgical Instruments. In J. Hesselbach & C. Herrmann (Eds.), Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing (pp. 623–628). Springer. Cite
Herrmann, C., Thiede, S., Kara, S., & Hesselbach, J. (2011). Energy oriented simulation of manufacturing systems – Concept and application. CIRP Annals, 60(1), 45–48. Cite
Herrmann, C., Suh, S., Bogdanski, G., Zein, A., Cha, J.-M., Um, J., Jeong, S., & Guzman, A. (2011). Context-Aware Analysis Approach to Enhance Industrial Smart Metering. Cite
Li, W., Zein, A., Kara, S., & Herrmann, C. (2011). An Investigation into Fixed Energy Consumption of Machine Tools. In J. Hesselbach & C. Herrmann (Eds.), Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing (pp. 268–273). Springer. Cite
Zein, A., Li, W., Herrmann, C., & Kara, S. (2011). Energy Efficiency Measures for the Design and Operation of Machine Tools: An Axiomatic Approach. In J. Hesselbach & C. Herrmann (Eds.), Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing (pp. 274–279). Springer. Cite
Zhang, H., Liu, Z., Liu, G., & CIRP - The International Academy for Production Engineering (Eds.). (2010). Conference proceedings / LCE 2010, 17th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering: Hefei, China, 19 - 21 May 2010. Hefei University of Technology Press. Cite
Kara, S., Manmek, S., & Herrmann, C. (2010). Global manufacturing and the embodied energy of products. CIRP Annals, 59(1), 29–32. Cite